

NOTICE! siren has worked VERY hard on these pages of dictionary. If one wishes to use them on a site,
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book quotes for each, when found.

SACRED AFFLICTION (disease): another name for Dar-Kosis. "Dar-Kosis, or the Holy Disease, or SACRED AFFLICTION, is a virulent, wasting disease of Gor." Pg. 266, Assassin of Gor.

SACRED PLACE (place): The area, including and around the place, where the Priest-Kings live. "The Priest-Kings," said my father, "maintain the SACRED PLACE in the Sardar Mountains, a wild vastness into which no man penetrates. The SACRED PLACE, to the minds of most men here, is taboo, perilous." Pg. 29, Tarnsman of Gor.

SADDLE KNIFE, TUCHUK (weapon): a knife which both sides of the blade is honed to sharpness, carried easily as it is small. "...I carried the killing knife I had taken from the back of Mip; lastly, thrust in my belt, was the double-edged quiva, the TUCHUK SADDLE KNIFE." Pg. 366, Assassin of Gor.

SA-EELA (command): a very beautiful dance in which the slave shows what they are in every movement. It varies from city to city in Gor, but the basis is the same, to show the beauty and devotion of the slave. It is always done in the nude. It belongs to the Lure Dances of the Love Starved Slavegirl. "The SA-EELA, of course, is not the sort of dance which could be performed by a free woman." Pg. 261, Guardsman of Gor.

SAFETY STRAPS (noun): straps of leather which are used to hold a rider in the saddle or whatever mode of transport He chooses. "...we turned and, held in the saddles by SAFETY STRAPS, spinning, we struck at one another, tarn goads like swords, splashing light about; and then we were past the ring and broke apart..." Pg. 371, Assassin of Gor.

SA-FORA (noun): "chain daughter". "Another frequently heard expression is SA-FORA, a compound word,meaning, rather literally, Chain Daughter, or Daughter of the Chain." Pg. 30, Nomads of Gor.

SAIL, FAIR-WEATHER (equipment): a large sail used in gentle winds. "Gorean galleys commonly carry several sails, usually falling into three main types, FAIR-WEATHER, "tarn," and storm." Pg. 33, Hunters of Gor.

SAIL, STORM (equipment): also known as an "escape sail", this is used to try to outrun heavy storms. It is a small sail. "Gorean galleys commonly carry several sails, usually falling into three main types, fair-weather, "tarn," and STORM." Pg. 33, Hunters of Gor.

SAIL, TARN (equipment): the most common sail used on a tarn ship from where it gets its name. "Seamen now climbed to the high yard, loosening the brail ropes, to drop the sail. It was the TARN SAIL." Pg. 33, Hunters of Gor.

SAIL, THARLARION (equipment): used in high winds, a smaller sail. "..third, a sail of the same type as the tarn sail, and, in a sense, a smaller "tarn" sail, the "THARLARION" SAIL: this smaller "tarn" sail, or THARLARION" sail, as it is commonly called, to distinguish it from the larger sail of the same type, is more manageable than the standard, larger tarn sail; it is used most often in swift, brutal, shifting winds, providing a useful sail between the standard tarn sail and the storm sail..." Pg. 33-34, Hunters of Gor.

SAJEL (drug): a drug which causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body; in combination with gieron, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague. "My pursuit of you was foiled," I said, "by the results of the drug you placed in my paga." "'The drug,' said Shaba, 'was a simple combination of SAJEL, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague.' 'I could have been killed,' I said, 'by the mob.' I did not think many would care to approach you,' said Shaba. 'It was not your intention then that I be killed?' I asked. 'Certainly not," said Shaba. 'if that was all that was desired, kanda might have been introduced into your drink as easily as SAJEL and gieron.'" Pg. 154, Explorers of Gor.

SALERIAN CONFEDERATION (group): an alliance of 4 cities - Ti, Port Olni, Lara, and Vonda - formed torid the Olni River of pirates & to protect inland shipping. "The retinue was the betrothal and dowry retinue of the Lady Sabina of the small merchant polis of Fortress of Saphronicus bound overland for Ti, of the Four Cities of Saleria, of the SALERIAN CONFEDERATION." Pg. 110, Slave Girl of Gor.

SALT LEACH (animal): lives in the marshes of Gor, they stick to the skin, feeding on blood. "I flicked a SALT LEACH from the side of my light rush craft with the corner of the tem-wood paddle." Pg. 5, Raiders of Gor.

SALT MERCHANT (caste): One who deals in the trade of salt. "He sold me to a SALT MERCHANT." Pg. 12, Marauders of Gor.

SALT SHARK (fish): a long-bodied (12' or more) carnivorous fish having gills situated under the jaw, several rows of triangular teeth, a sickle- like tail, and a sail-like dorsal fin; inhabits brinepits such as those of the Tahari. "At the top of the food chain in the pits, a descendant, dark-adapted, of the terrors of the ancient seas, stood the long-bodied, nine-gilled SALT SHARK." Pg. 249, Tribesmen of Gor.

SALT UBAR (person): Also called the Guard of the Dunes, he oversees everything having to do with the salt mines in the Tahari. "The function of the kasbah of the SALT UBAR, thus, officially, is to administer and control the salt districts, on behalf of the Tahari salt merchants, primarily by regulating access to the districts, checking the papers of merchants, inspecting caravans, keeping records of the commerce, etc." Pg. 298, Tribesmen of Gor.

SAMOS (person): a well known slaver of Port Kar, one-time master of Telima and Master of luma. "Surely SAMOS of Port Kar, First Slaver of Gor's Tatrix of the Sea, noble Port Kar, cares to express interest in these unworthy wenches?" Pg. 303, Assassin of Gor.

SANA (person): a slave of Ko-ro-ba, Tarl's slave at one time, whom he freed. "'This woman,' said Kamchak of the Tuchuks, brusquely, his voice stern but almost breaking, 'is called Aphris---know her--she is Ubara SANA, of my heart Ubara SANA!'" Pg. 11, Nomads of Gor.

SANDRA (person): a dancing girl from Port Kar who was purchased by Bosk for his mens' use. "Then there was a rustle of slave bells and SANDRA, the dancing girl of Port Kar, whom I had first seen in a Paga tavern, and had purchased , primarily for my men, stood before me, her master." Pg. 227, Raiders of Gor.

SANDROS (person): the warrior from Thentis, who was slain, believed to have been mistaken for Tarl, but found was the intended target of the Assassin. He also thought He was to be Tarl's assassin, but instead was a pawn to draw Tarl to the House of Cernus to become a prisoner there. "SANDROS thought he was to be your Assassin," said Cernus. "It was for that purpose he thought himself sent to Ko-ro-ba. Actually, he was sent there to die himself by the knife of a killer. His resemblance to a certain Koroban Warrior, perhaps Tarl Cabot, would make it seem clear, in the darkness of the night, that the knife had been intended for that Warrior, and a convenient clue, a patch of green, would lead to Ar, and doubtless then to the House of Cernus." Pg. 278, Assassin of Gor.

SA'NG-FORI (noun): freedom. "On the wall itself over the gate in huge letters there was scrawled the legend "SA'NG-FORI," literally "Without Chains" but perhaps better translated simply as "Freedom" or "Liberty". Pg. 216, Outlaw of Gor.

SAPHRONICUS (person): a Captain of the Taurentians from Tyros. "...nominated by SAPHRONICUS of Tyros, Captain of the Taurentians." Pg. 233, Assassin of Gor.

SAPHRAR (person): a Chief merchant of Turia, who inherited the riches of Asphir after she was taken as a slave, and who died in the Yellow Pools trying to escape the wrath of Kamchak and Tarl. "I expect," I said, "it might be found here or there in the House of SAPHAR, a merchant of Turia." Pg. 187, Nomads of Gor.

SARDAR (people): Another name for the Priest-Kings, large intelligent insects who rule over Gor. "'The Priest-Kings,' said my father, 'maintain the Sacred Place in the SARDAR Mountains, a wild vastness into which no man penetrates. The Sacred Place, to the minds of most men here, is taboo, perilous." Pg. 20, Tarnsman of Gor.

SARDAR FAIRS (festivals): huge fairs held 4 times each year at the foot of the Sardar Mountains held during the equinoxes and solstices (En'Kara, En'Var, Se'Kara, & Se'Var). During this time there may be none enslaved, or blood spilled. It is a trading point for merchandise and information. Each Gorean is required to visit the fair before the age of 25. "The stockades are governed under Merchant Law, legislated and revised, and upheld at the SARDAR FAIRS." Pg. 219, Captive of Gor.

SARDAR MOUNTAINS (place):the mountain range where the Priest- Kings live, also known as the 'true north' of Gor. I kept my course by the luminescent dial of my Gor compass, the needle of which pointed always to the SARDAR MOUNTAIN Range, home of the Priest-Kings." Pg. 73-74, Tarnsman of Gor.

SARM (person): one of the Priest-Kings, first born and "leader" of the Priest-Kings after the "Mother". "SARM pranced backwards on those long, delicate, jointed legs, clearing the passage to the door." Pg. 152, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SARPEDON(person): the Master of a paga tavern in Lydius who had purchased Elizabeth Cardwell aka vella. "I was purchased by SARPEDON, master of this tavern, who occassionally scouts the river, to pick up such girls." Pg. 58, Hunters of Gor.

SARUS (person): a Captain of the ship Rhoda who was from Tyros. The Rhoda was a galley with a keel length of 110 feet Gorean and a 12 Gorean foot beam and could carry about 90 oarsmen. It was a single masted ram-ship and believed to be carrying 100 skilled warriors. "Our master dealt with SARUS, Captain of the Rhoda, of Tyros." Pg. 182, Hunters of Gor.

SA-TARNA (food): grain, specifically wheat. "Economically, the base of the Gorean life was the free peasant, which was perhaps the lowest but undoubtedly the most fundamental caste, and the staple crop was a yellow grain called SA-TARNA, or Life-Daughter." Pg. 43, Tarnsman of Gor.

SA-TARNA BREAD(food): a round flattened loaf of bread, sliced on top into 6 even pieces. "Beyond the Sullage and the bosk steak there was the inevitable flat, rounded loaf of the yellow SA-TARNA BREAD." Pg. 45, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SA-TARNA PORRIDGE (food): a cold, unsweetened mixture of water and Sa-Tarna meal, on which slaves are fed; in Torvaldsland, it is called 'bond-maid gruel', and often mixed with pieces of chopped parsit fish. "Like the bond-maids, she had been fed only on cold SA-TARNA PORRIDGE and scraps of dried parsit fish." Pg. 56, Marauders of Gor.

SA-TASSNA (noun): meat; food in general. Interestingly enough, the word for meat is SA-TASSNA, which means Life-Mother." Pg. 43-44, Tarnsman of Gor.

SCAGNAR (place): One of 7 exchange or free ports/islands, the others include Asperiche, Farnacium, Hulneth, Tabor, and Teletus. "Perhaps she would be sold south to Shendi or Bazi, or north to a jarl of Torvaldsland, SCAGNAR or Hunjer, or across Thassa to Tabor, or Asperiche, or taken up the vosk in a cage to an inland city, perhaps eventually to find herself in Ko-ro-ba, Thentis or Tharna, or even Ar itself." Pg. 317, Hunters of Gor.

SCAR CODES (noun): scars which have great meaning to the Wagon Peoples, and is always worn with pride. "....I had heard whispered of once before, in a tavern in Ar, the terrible SCAR CODES of the Wagon Peoples, for each of the hideous marks on the face of these men had a meaning, a significance that could be read by the Paravaci, the Kassars, the Kataii, the Tuchuks as clearly as you or I might read a sign in a window or a sentence in a book." Pg. 16, Nomads of Gor.

SCENT-DOTS (noun): "If SCENT-DOTS were themselves not scented one might be tempted to think of them as graphemes in the language of the Priest-Kings, but since they themselves are scented they are best construed as analogous to the uttered phonemes of phoneme combinations, direct expressions of the oral syllabary of the Priest-Kings." Pg. 100, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SCHENDI (place): a heavily populated port city just south of the equator, it is the base of operations for the League of Black Slavers. ...and, far to the south, SCHENDI and Bazi." Pg. 59, Captive of Gor.

SCRIBES, CASTE OF (group): the caste concerned with history, accounting, record-keeping, etc.; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government; their caste color is blue. "Many CASTES, incidentally, have branches and divisions. Lawyers and Scholars, for example, and Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are all SCRIBES." Pg. 208, Assassin of Gor.

SCORMUS (person): One of the best Kaissa players in all of Gor, son of Hup the Fool and Sura. "I am SCORMUS of Ar," he said." Pg. 325, Assassin of Gor.

SEA SLEEN (person): A nickname used for Chenbar. "It had been he, and his men, who had freed Chenbar of Tyros, the SEA SLEEN, from a dungeon in Port Kar...." Pg. 27, Marauders of Gor.

SEASON OF LITTLE GRASS (time): the Wagon Peoples name for earth spring, the third phase of the Omen Year in which they return to Turia. "...and the Return to Turia, in the spring, or, as the Wagon Peoples say, in the SEASON OF LITTLE GRASS." Pg. 11, Nomads of Gor.

SEASON OF SNOWS (time): Wagon Peoples name for winter, the second phase of the Omen year. "...for the Wagon Peoples calculate the year from the SEASON OF SNOWS to the SEASON OF SNOWS..." Pg 11, Nomads of Gor.

SECOND COLLAR GIRLS {people}: girls who have been owned a second time. "Slave pens are often filled with girls, SECOND and third COLLAR GIRLS, begging to be sold." Pg. 235, Hunters of Gor.

SECOND KNOWLEDGE (noun): the education available to the higher castes; it is more esoteric, and includes knowledge of Earth. "I wondered, however, if the SECOND KNOWLEDGE, that of the intellectuals, might not be ascarefully tailored to preclud inquiry on their level as the First Knowledge apparently was to preclude inquiry on the level of theLower Castes." Pg. 41, Tarnsman of Gor.

SECOND SLAVE (noun): referring to the serving of black wine, it indicates that it is wanted without sugar or milk. ""Second slave," I told her, which, among the river towns, and in certain cities, particularly in the north, is a way of indicating the I would take the black wine without creams of sugars, and as it came from the pouring vessel, which, of course, in these areas, is handled by the "second slave," the first slave being the girl who puts down the cups, takes the orders and sees that the beverage if prepared according to the preferences of the one who is being served." Pg. 245, Guardsman of Gor.

SECOND WINE (drug/drink): see breeding wine. "In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser for its remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the "SECOND WINE." Pg. 319, Blood Brothers of Gor.

SE'KARA (date): the seventh month of the Gorean calendar, that of theautumnal equinox, roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of September. "..but usually simply SE'KARA, the Second Kara, or the Second Turning." Pg. 178, Outlaw of Gor.

SE'KARA-LAR-TORVIS (date): See SE'KARA. "The month of the autumnal equinox is called fully SE'KARA-LAR-TORVIS..." Pg. 178, Outlaw of Gor.

SELNAR (date): the third month of the Gorean calendar in Ko-ro-ba. "He did so late in spring, on the sixteenth day of the third month, that month, which in Ar is called Camerius in Ko-ro-ba SELNAR." Pg. 235, Assassin of Gor.

SELNAR (place): One of the largest cities on Cos. "There are four major cities on Cos, of which Telnus is the largest. The others are SELNAR, Temos and Jad." Pg. 174, Raiders of Gor.

SEREEM DIAMONDS (noun): a rare, transparent red mineral with white specks. "Before Suleiman, now, there lay five stones, three SEREEM DIAMONDS, red, sparkling, white flecked, and two opals, one a common sort, milky in color, and the other an unusual flame opal, reddish and blue." Pg. 92, Tribesmen of Gor.

SEREMIDES (person): replaced Maximus Hegesius Quintilius as first sword of Ar's military forces. "He was replaced by a member of the Taurentians, SEREMIDES of Tyros, nominated by Saphronicus of Tyros, Captain of the Taurentians." Pg. 233, Assassin of Gor.

SERUM (drug): See STABILIZATION SERUM. "But different human beings respond differently to the Stabilization Serums, and the SERUMS are more effective with some than with others." Pg. 31, Assassin of Gor.

SERPENT (transportation): Another word for ship. "Forkbeard's ship or SERPENT, as they are sometimes called, was approximately eighty feet Gorean in length, with a beam of som ten feet Gorean." Pg. 31, Marauder of Gor.

SERVING SLAVE (person): a slave who is trained in serving food, drink, running errands, general cleaning, or caring for personal belongings. "Perhaps you will be purchased for a SERVING SLAVE or a tower slave." Pg. 101, Captive of Gor.

SE'VAR (date): the tenth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the wintersolstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of December. "These, however, like the other expressions, usually occur in speech only as En'Var and SE'VAR, or The First Resting and the Second Resting." Pg. 178, Outlaw of Gor.

SE'VAR-LAR-TORVIS (date): See SE'VAR. "As might be expected there are related expressions for the monts of the solstices, En'Var-Lar-Torvis and SE'VAR-LAR-TORVIS, or again, quite literally, The First Resting and the Second Resting of the Central Fire." Pg. 178, Outlaw of Gor.

SEVEN-PIN LOCK COLLAR (implement): the most common female collar, it has a more intricate lock with seven pins. "At that time the plate collar was opened by one of the metal workers and replaced with a SEVEN-PIN LOCK COLLAR." Pg. 294, Raiders of Gor.

SHAME BADGE (PUNISHMENT): Panther girls shave the heads of the Males they enslave as a way to humiliate them. A strip is shaved from the forehead to the neck. Also called "stripe of Degradation. "His head, too, was shaved, in the SHAME BADGE." Pg. 27, Hunters of Gor.

SHAVING KNIFE(tool): a flat single blade used to shave. "He wanted to make small purchases, among them a new SHAVING KNIFE." Pg. 65, Hunters of Gor.

SHEAF ARROWS (weapon): an arrow over a yard long, metal and fletched with Vosk gull feathers, 3 half feathers. "There were seventy arrows, fifty of which were SHEAF ARROWS, twenty flight arrows." Pg. 68, Raiders of Gor.

SHEARING BLADES (weapon): blades placed on each side of the ships' hull, whcih can cut through anything it comes in contact with. "SHEARING BLADES, too, of course, mentioned before, are fixed on each side of the hull, abaft of the bow and forward of the oars. They resemble quarter moons of steel and are fastened into the frames of the ship itself." Pg. 193, Raiders of Gor.

SECOND KNOWLEDGE (noun): knowledge held by intellectuals and higher castes. "That was not a matter of myth, at least to those possessed of the SECOND KNOWLEDGE, but of distant, remote fact, fact dating back to what must have been fearful times. Avengers, Chapter 18

SHEERA (person): Met at the exchange point by Bosk and Rim, Sheera was trading at the point also. "The panther girl, SHEERA, who was leader of this band, sat down in the warm sand." Pg. 28, Hunters of Gor.

SHE-URTS (people): homeless free girls - runaways, vagabonds, orphans, etc. - who live near the canals in port cities, surviving by scavenging, begging, stealing,and sleeping with paga attendants; they sleep wherever they find space, and usually wear abrief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment. "Some free girls, runaways, vagabonds, girls of no family or position, live about port cities, scavenging as they can, begging, stealing, sleeping at night in crates and under bridges and piers. They are called the SHE-URTS of the wharves." Pg. 47, Explorers of Gor.

SHIP DANCE (dance): a dance which mimicks the movements of a ship and waves, and the work which is done on a ship. "In the pit of sand one of the guards, utterly drunk, was performing a SHIP DANCE, the movement of his legs marvelously suggesting the pitch and roll of a deck, his hands moving as though climbing rope, then hauling rope, then splicing and knotting it." Pg. 240, Assassin of Gor.

SHIPPING COLLAR (noun): a loose, generic collar worn by slaves when being shipped as cargo. "'What sort of collar do you wear?' 'A SHIPPING COLLAR, Master. It shows that I am a portion of the cargo of the 'Palms of the Schendi'.'" Pgs. 70-71, Explorers of Gor.

SHIP FLAGS (noun): a flag placed on a ship to help identify its owner or Captain from a distance. Bosk/Tarls' was white with green stripes and the head of a bosk on its white background."Can you make out their FLAG?" he cried." Pg. 185, Raider of Gor.

SHIPS EYES (belief): Always found on all ships to signify its life need to see. "SHIPS of Gor, of whatever class or type, always have EYES painted on them, either in the head surmountin the prow, as in tarn ships, or , as in the Rena, as in round ships, on either side of the bow. It is the last thing that is done for the ship before it is first launched. The painting of the eyes reflects the Gorean seaman's belief that the SHIP is a living thing. She is accordingly given EYES, that she may see her way." Pg. 183, Raiders of Gor.

SHORT SWORD (weapon): a sword, only about 20" long, used by Warriors of Gor. "In the bundle, wrapped inside the tunic and cloak I found the shoulder belt, sheath and SHORT SWORD of the Goreans. I took the blade from its sheath.It was well balanced, vicious, double-edged and about twenty to twenty-two inches in length." Pg. 23, Outlaw of Gor.

SHU (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from oriental calligraphy; represents the sh sound. "'SHU' is represented by a sign which seems clearly oriental in origin and 'Homan', I speculate, may derive from Cretan." Pg. 9, Explorers of Gor.

SIDE-BLOCK GIRL (person): a slavegirl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auctionhouse, instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly. "'SIDE-BLOCK GIRL,' in the argot of the slave girl, like 'pot girl' and 'kettle-and-mat girl,' is a term of disparagement." Pg. 107, Savages of Gor.

SIDGE (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; derived from cuneiform. "'SIDGE', on the other hand, could be cuneiform, and 'Tun' and 'Val' are probably calligraphically drifted from demotic." Pg. 9, Explorers of Gor.

SIEGE SLAVE (person): a slave trained to help in wars. "Simultaneously, exposed chains of SIEGE SLAVES began to move the stake lines forward." Pg. 178, Tarnsman of Gor.

SIGNATURE KNOT (noun): a way of tying a knot which is done only by a specific person, so it is able to tell who has tied it. "It was not a difficult know. It was not a SIGNATURE KNOT." Pg. 120, Hunters of Gor.

SILK GIRL (person): term used by those of Torvaldsland to denote a slavegirl from the southern cities. "Look!" cried Pudding. "A SILK GIRL!" The expression "SILK GIRL" is used, often, among bond-maids of the north, to refer to their counterparts in the south. The expression reflects their belief that such girls are spoiled, excessively pampered, indulged and coddled, sleek pets, who have little to do but adorn themselves with cosmetics and await their masters, cuddled cutely, on plush, scarlet coverlets, fringed with gold." Pg. 144, Marauders of Gor.

SILK SLAVE (person): a male pleasure slave; usually in attendance on a free woman. "Free women think as little of concealing their bodies before their SILK SLAVES as the women of Earth would before their pet dogs." Pg. 181, Fighting Slave of Gor.

SILVER MASKS OF THARNA (people): the women of the city of Tharna wore masks to cover their faces from males. "Are those truly SILVER MASKS OF THARNA?" I asked Kron, skeptically." Pg. 225, Outlaw of Gor.

SILVER TARSK (money): a valuable silver coin, worth 100 copper tarsks. Ten silver tarsks=one gold piece. "The cost for transporting a free person across the Laurius was a SILVER TARSK." Pg. 80, Captive of Gor.

SILVER TUBES (weapon): very powerful weapons hidden and kept by the Priest-Kings. "After the death of the Mother, Sarm and those who followed him, most of the Priest-Kings for he was First Born, fled from the chamber to fetch, as it was said, SILVER TUBES. These were charged, cylindrical weapons, manually operated but incorporating principles much like those of the Flame Death Mechanism. Unused, they had lain encased in plastic quivers for a matter of centuries and yet when these quivers were broken open and the weapons seized up by the angry Priest-Kings they were as ready for their grim work as they had been when first they were stored away." Pg. 229, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SIM PLANT (plant): a rambling, tangled vine-like plant with huge, rolling leaves, raised in thepasture chambers of the Nest. "I did not know at the time but Gur is a product originally secreted by large, gray, domesticated, hemispheric arthropods which are, in the morning, taken out to pasture where they feed on special SIM PLANTS, extensive, rambling, tangled vine-like plants with huge, rolling leaves raised under square energy lamps fixed in the ceilings of the broad pasture chambers, and at night are returned to their stable cells where they are milked by Muls." Pg. 214, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SIMPLE-PILE ARROWS (weapon): an arrow which, because of lack of barbs, can be removed easily from a wound and the arrow reused. "I had used the SIMPLE-PILE ARROWs, which may be withdrawn from a wound." Pg. 79, Raiders of Gor.

SINGERS, CASTE OF (caste): those who travel from place to place, singing for food or love. "He wore the robes of his CASTE, the SINGERS, and it was not known what city was his own." Pg. 225, Raiders of Gor.

SINGLE-BLADED AXE (weapon): A weapon/tool used commonly by those in Torvaldsland equiped with one blade, and a pick-like protrusion on the other side. "..shatterin his chains from the walls with the blunt, hammerlike backs of their great, curved SINGLE-BLADED AXES." Pg. 27, Marauders of Gor.

SIP ROOT (plant): a bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine. "'We were made to chew SIP ROOTS on the way to the camp," she said, 'to protect us, if our red masters should choose to seize and rape us.'" Pg. 163, Blood Brothers of Gor.

SIRIK (noun): a arrangement of chains used to display a slavegirl rather than confine her; itconsists of a collar, to which about five feet of chain is attached; part-way down the chain is apair of manacles, and the chain terminates in a set of shackles. "...both girls wore the SIRIK, a light chain favored for females slaves by many Gorean masters; it consists of a Turian-type collar, a loose rounded circle of steel, to which a light, gleaming chain is attached; should the girl stand, the chain, dangling from her collar, falls to the floor; it is about ten or twelve inches longer then is required to reach from her collar to her ankles; to this chain, at the natural fall of her wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain there is attached another device, a set of linked ankle rings, which, when closed about her ankles, lifts a portion of the slack chain from the floor; the SIRIK is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used seperately; this also, of course, permits the SIRIK to function as a slave leash." Pg. 42, Nomads of Gor.

SISTER (person): a term used to address a female slave by another slave, or a togetherness of female slaves. "I found myself thrown from my feet and helpless, tangled and pressed in upon by the bodies of my SISTERs in bondage." Pg. 105, Captive of Gor.

SIX-STRAP (command): a command which a trained tarn will respond to by moving left and climbing slowly. "SIX-STRAP!" I cried. The great bird veered to the left and began to climb slightly." Pg. 129, Outlaw of Gor.

SKJERN (command): a city in very northern Gor. "...he had contacted with a maurauder, Haakon of SKJERN, for one hundred northern beauties, to be taken from the villages north of the Laurius and from the coastal villages, upward even to the edges of Torsvaldsland." Pg. 60, Captive of Gor.