

NOTICE! siren has worked VERY hard on these pages of dictionary. If one wishes to use them on a site,
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Please note: Most food, animals, weapons, and drink will be found on those pages along with the
book quotes for each, when found.

SMALL MEN (people): a tribe in the jungles of Schendi, not called by any other name. They have coppery skin and are probably of the Negroid race. They were slaves of the talunas until Tarl Cabot helped them capture and enslave the last of the taluna women. "There, ringing a depression, were more than a dozen SMALL MEN. They wore loincloths with vine belts. From loops on the belts hung knives and small impliments. They carried spears and nets. I do not think any of them were more than five feet in height. I doubt that any of them weighed more than eighty pounds. Their features were negroid but their skins were more coppery than dark brown or black." Pg. 390, Explorers of Gor.

SMOKE SIGNS (communication): a method of messaging over distance, using smoke from a fire set for that purpose. "The code in mirror signals, conveyed by the pacing and number of flashes, is very similar to that of the SMOKE SIGNALS. The signals, incidentally, are not a substitution cipher, for the languages of the red savages, not being written languages, in any conventional sense, do not have a standardized alphabet or syllabary." Pg. 255, Savages of Gor.

SOCCERLIKE GAME game (game): soccerlike game with the leather ball with goals drawn in the turf played by the Red Hunters. "The girl, with other youths, had been playing a SOCCERLIKE GAME wih the leather ball, with goals drawn in the turf." Pg. 193, Beasts of Gor.

SORP (noun): a shellfish, common esp. in the Vosk river, similar to an oyster; like an oyster, it manufactures pearls. "Ho-Hak looked at the man who wore the headband of pearls of the Vosk sorp" Pg. 21, Raiders of Gor.

SPEAR (weapon): a long heavy duty wood weapon with a blade on the end. "The SPEAR was a typical Gorean SPEAR, about seven feet in height, heavy, stout, with a tapering bronze head some eighteen inches in length." Pg. 21, Outlaw of Gor.

SPEAR, GOREAN WAR (weapon): "I hung my helmet over my left shoulder with the sheathed short sword; on my left arm I bore my shield; in my right hand I arried the GOREAN WAR SPEAR." Pg. 5, Nomads of Gor.

SPEAR SLAVE(person): the slaves who went into wars carrying spears, also a piece on the Game Board. ""I permitted that, in order that might capture the SPEAR SLAVE." Pg. 169, Tarnsman of Gor.

SPIDER PERSON (people): Larger than man-sized arachnids which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar; they can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens. One of them, Nar, saved Tarl when he made his way through the swamps. "Apparently the SPIDER PERSON was not as harmless as she had arrogantly assumed." Pg. 88, Tarnsman of Gor.

SPIKED GAUNTLET (weapon): a "glove" which has on it, spikes. "Sometimes men wrestle to the death or use the SPIKED GAUNTLETS." Pg. 189, Assassin of Gor.

STABILIZATION SERUMS (drug): a series of four injections which slows the aging process, invented by the Priest-Kings and used on and by humans. "Yes," said Misk, "and your father, who is a brave and noble man, has served us upon occasion, though he dealt only, unknowingly, with the Implanted Ones. He first came to Gor more than six hundred years ago." "Impossible!" I cried. "Not with the STABILATION SERUMS," remarked Misk." Pg. 126, Priest-Kings of Gor.

STADIUM OF BLADES (place): an area where games of death take place, between men and beast. " could be, and often was, as dangerous and cruels as the games in the STADIUM OF BLADES, where men met men and beasts, often fought to the death." Pg. 188, Assassin of Gor.

STAFF CONTEST (game): a game played sometimes at the fairs, where men compete with staffs for prizes. "Two fellows, brawny lads, in half tunics, were doing STAFF CONTEST." Pg. 39, Magicians of Gor,

STAKE POSITION (command): When chained at a stake the with this command the slave lies down and is not permitted to rise even to her knees. "'STAKE POSITION.' said Ephialtes to the two women. Immediately they both lay down, with a sound of chain. It is not unusual to forbid a rent slave, during her use times, when chained at a stake, to rise even to her knees." Pg. 386, Vagabonds of Gor.

STAKED OUT (noun): A death from exposure used in Klima for those attempting to escape. As the term implies, a person is staked to the salt crusts, spread-eagled, until the heat of the Tahari sun kills. "I was cold. I moved the stake, to which my right wrist was fastened, a quarter of an inch. 'Hassan,' I said, 'Do you live?' 'Yes,' said he, from near me. We had been STAKED OUT in the crusts." Pg. 265, Tribesmen of Gor.

STAKING OUT FOR THE SLEEN (punishment): a form of punishment, possibly death, the person is staked out and left for the sleen. they are blindfolded and cut on the thigh to draw blood. The blood is then smeared across her body to attract the sleen. "Mira was pu on her back and her two ankles were bound, widely apart, to two stakes. Then her wrists were unbound from behind her back and they, too, were bound widely apart, to two stakes. 'What are you doing with me? begged Mira. 'You are no longer of use to us,' said Vinca. 'What are you going to do with me!' cried Mira. 'We are STAKING YOU OUT FOR THE SLEEN,' said Vinca." Hunters of Gor, page 230-231.

STATE SLAVE (person): a slave which works for the city or state, dressed in gray. "They wore the brief gray livery of the STATE SLAVE of Ar, slashed to the waist, knotted with a gray cord; about their throats was locked the gray metal collar of Ar's STATE SLAVE; they were barefoot; on the left ankle of each was the gray metal band, with its five gray bells, worn by the female STATE SLAVE. Their hair, in state fashion, had been cut short, shaped, and combed back around the head. The wrists of each were confined behind her back with gray slave bracelets." Pg. 398, Assassin of Gor.

STEEL CLAWS (weapon): long steel claws attached on the fingers, used in fighting. "Sometimes slave girls are forced to fight slave girls, perhaps with STEEL CLAWS fastened on their fingers, or several girls, variously armed, will be forced to fight a single man, or a small number of men." Pg. 189, Assassin of Gor.

STEEL TOWER (noun): the visible portion of a spaceship half buried in the Tahari Desert which Tarl eventually found that held a destructive device was sent by the Kurii to destroy Gor and the Priest-Kings. With the help of a Kur who leads him to the spaceship, Tarl is able to destroy this device. "'Beware the STEEL TOWER.' I repeated. 'That was scratched on the rock,' said Ibn Saran. 'Was there any indication from which direction the man had come?" I asked. 'No,' said Ibn Sara. 'Beware the STEEL TOWER," said Samos. I shrugged." Pg 23, Tribesmen of Gor.

STEELS (people): a faction which existed in Ar. "The STEELS were a new faction in Ar, their patch a bluish gray. But they had no following. Indeed, there had never yet been a STEEL in a race in Ar. I had heard, however, that the first tarn would fly for the STEELS in this very race, the eleventh race, which was shortly to begin." Pg. 219, Assassin of Gor.

STEEL WORLDS (people): an ancient race of Kurii, called "steel worlds" for the fact that they are living in their ships orbiting Gor waiting for their chance to take it over. "There were now white clouds in it. Somewhere, beyond the fourth ring, mixed in the belt of asteroids, intruding within the perimeters refused to them by Priest-Kings, were the patient, orbiting STEEL WORLDS." Pg. 295, Marauders of Gor.

STIMULATION CAGE (noun): a roomy cage, furnished comfortably where a naked slavegirl in training can be placed to help her become aware of exactly what she is and how to act as a slave, so that she may be more pleasing to masters. It is made too short for her to stand upright in order that her head is always inclined in a gesture of submission. "A STIMULATION CAGE is an ornately barred, low-ceilinged cage; it is rather roomy, except for the low ceiling, about five feet high. The girl cannot stand erect in it without her head inclined submissively. In such a cage, and in training, when not in such a cage, the girl who is housed in the STIMULATION CAGE is not permitted to look directly into the eyes of a male, even a male slave. This is designed, psychologically, to make the girl extremely conscious of males. When she is sold, then only, if the master wishes, he may say to her, 'You may look into the eyes of your master.' Pg. 24, Tribesmen of Gor.

STONE (measurement): a unit of measurement equal to 4 Earth pounds, measured by the weight of an "official" stone, which is actaully a solid metal cylinder kept near the Sardars. "..and each at the table was weighed out for Gorean STONES of gold, about six Earth pounds.....Four Gorean STONE of gold is a fortune." Pg. 310, Nomads of Gor.

STONES (game): a guessing game in which one player must guess whether the number of stones hed in the fist of the second player is odd or even. "'STONES! Guess STONES!' Called a fello. 'Who will play STONES?' This is a guessing game, in which a certain number of a given number of 'STONES,' usually from two to five, is held in the hand and the opponent is to guess the number There are many variations of 'STONES,' but usually one receives one point for a correct guess. If one guesses successfully, one may guess again. If one does not guess successfully, one holds the 'STONES' and the opponent takes his turn. The game is usually set at a given number of points, usually fifty. Whereas the 'STONES' are often tiny pebbles, they may be any small object." Pg. 34, Magicians of Gor.

STORY SKIN (noun): an item of the red savages which is similar to a book, where the story begins in the center of the skin and moves "in a slow turning the skin, a series of drawings and pictographs. As the skin is turned each marking on it is at the center of attention, first, of course, of the arts, and, later, as he follows the trail, of the viewer. The story, then unanticipated, each event as real as any other, unfolds as it was lived." "'This is,' said Kog, to Samos, 'a STORY SKIN.' Pg. 35, Savages of Gor

STRANGER (person): enemy "It is interesting, incidentally, that in the Gorean language, the word for STRANGER is the same as the word for enemy." Pg. 110, Tarnsman of Gor

STREET OF BRANDS (place): the city or area in a given city where slavers conduct their business. "...and on the STREET OF BRANDS, hire their own men." Pg. 17, Assassin of Gor.

STREET OF COINS (place): the street or area in a given city where banking and other financial transactions take place. "Yes," said Portus, "and the rich Merchants, and the great houses, those on the STREET OF COINS..." Pg. 17, Assassin of Gor.

STREET OF TARNS (place): and area of the city which is near the stadiums used for tarn racing. "As I was passing under the main arch of the stadium, going to the broad street beyond, called the STREET OF TARNS because of its proximity to the stadium." Pg. 156, Assassin of Gor.

STREET OF WRITHING SLAVES (place): dark narrow street where most Dealers and Renters in Victoria keep their kennels. "It is called the STREET OF THE WRITHING SLAVE. It is dark and narrow, and not far from the wharves." Pg. 143, Guardsman of Gor

STREET VEIL (noun): the outermost veil worn by free women; worn over the house veil when leaving the house. "The STREET VEIL, worn publicly, is extremely bulky, quite heavy and completely opaque; not eve the lineaments of the nose and cheeks are discernible when it is worn; the house veil is worn indoors when there are those present who are not of the household, as in conversing with or entertaining associates of one's companion." Pg. 107, Slave Girl of Gor.

STRIGIL (equipment): usually made of metal like a spatula type piece of equipment, this is used during bathing to scrap excess oils and dirt from pores. "With the STRIGIL one scrapes away the residue of oil, and, with it, dirt and sweat, cleaning the pores." Pg. 59, Renegades of Gor

SUBMISSION MAT (noun): a scarlet mat, used in Tharna, on which a free woman, naked and bound with yellow cords, must submit as slave to her master, first hearing him recite a ritual poem, then yielding physically. "In those days it had been a portion of the Rites of Submission, as practiced in Tharna, to strip and bind the captive with yellow cords and place her on a scarlet rug, the yellow of the cord being symbolic of talenders, a flower often associated with feminine love and beauty, the scarlet of the rug being symbolic of blood, and perhaps of passion." Pg. 205, Outlaw of Gor.

SUGARS (food): there have always been disputes about the number of colored sugars found in the books, however white and yellow are commonly mentioned. In one quote it is found mention of "four", however this seems to indicate the measurement more then the type of sugars. "With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white SUGAR, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white SUGAR, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure." Pg. 89, Tribesmen of Gor

SUL (food): a tuberous vegetable similar to the potato; often served sliced and fried; principal ingredient in sullage. "The principal ingredients of Sullage are the golden SUL, the starchy, golden brown vine-borne fruit of the golden-leaved SUL plant..." Pg. 44, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SUL PAGA (drink): alcoholic beverage made from suls, similar to vodka. "SUL PAGA, as anyone knew, is seldom available outside of a peasant village, where it is brewed. Sul paga would slow a thalarion. To stay on your feet after a mouthful of SUL PAGA it is said one must be of the peasants, and then for several generations. And even then, it is said, it is difficult to manage. There is a joke about the baby of a peasant father being born drunk nine months later." Pg. 414, Slave Girl of Gor.

SUL PLANT (flora): vine with golden leaves. "The principal ingredients of Sullage are the golden sul, the starchy, golden brown vine-borne fruit of the golden-leaved SUL PLANT; the curled, red, ovate leaves of the Tur-Pah, a tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees; and the salty, blue secondary roots of the Kes Shrub, a small, deeply rooted plant which grows best in sandy soil." Pg. 44-45, Priest-Kings of Gor.Pg. 44, Priest Kings of Gor

SULA (command): at this command, a slavegirl will lie on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, and with her legs spread wide. "'SULA, Kajira!' said the man. She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, legs open." Pg. 77, Explorers of Gor.

SULLAGE (food): a soup made prinicipally from suls, tur-pah, and kes, along with whatever else may be handy. "First she boiled and simmered a kettle of SULLAGE, a common Gorean soup consisting of threee standard ingredients and, as it is said, whatever else may be found, saving only the rocks of the field." Pg. 44, Priest-Kings of Gor.

SULLIUS MAXIMUS (person): an Ubar of Port Kar, sat on the Council of Captains. "And those," I asked, indicating other wharves, farther to the south, "are those of Nigel and SULLIUS MAXIMUS." Pg. 145, Raiders of Gor.

SUN GATE (equipment): one or several are found in most cities, so called because they are commonly opened at dawn and closed at dusk, their hours of ingress and egress determined by the diurnal cycle. "Most cities have a SUN GATE, sometimes several. They are called such because they are commonly opened at dawn and closed at dusk, thus the hours of their ingress and egress being determined by the diurnial cycle." Pg. 9, Magicians of Gor

SUN LANCES (people): a warrior society of the Sleen tribe of Red Savages. "The SUN LANCES," said Grunt, "a warrior society of the Sleen." Pg. 314, Savages of Gor.

SUPREME HOME STONE (noun): Something which many of the higher statesmen/conquerors of Gor hope for and is believed to exist, one Home Stone which Gor is united under. "It is the occasional dream of a conqueror or statesman," he said, "to have but a single SUPREME HOME STONE for the planet." Then after a long moment, not looking at me, he said, "It is rumored there is such a stone, but it lies in the Sacred Place and is the source of the Priest-Kings power." Pg. 28, Tarnsman of Gor.

SURA (person): a FW who was made a trainer and slave in the House of Cernus, mother of Scormus when hooded and bred with Hup. Kuurus taught her Kaissa and she became very good at it. "SURA has served us well. She is the finest trainer in Ar." Pg. 248, Assassin of Gor.

SURBUS (person): a large man with only one ear, fierce looking, a pirate and slaver, murderer, thief, cruel and worthless, well known in Port Kar. One of the finest swords in Port Kar. "I had heard the name of SURBUS. It was well known among the captains of Port Kar, scourge of gleaming Thassa." Pg. 102, Raiders of Gor.

SWAMP SPIDERS ("people"): man-sized acrachnids which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar; they can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens; they spin Cur-lon Fiber, which is used in the textile mills of Ar. "Approaching me, stepping daintily for all its bulk, prancing over the strands, came one of the SWAMP SPIDERS of Gor." Pg. 81, Tarnsman of Gor.

SWORD BROTHER (people): this is a part of the kinship of Warriors no matter what City one belongs to. If a Warrior sheds the blood of another Warrior, they are considered sword brothers unless the blood on the weapons are formally repudiated. "One who has shed your blood, or whose blood you have shed, becomes your SWORD BROTHER, unless you normally repudiate the blood on your weapons. It is a part of the kinship of Gorean warriors regardless of the matter of caste, an expression of respect for those who share their station and profession, having nothing to do with cities or Home Stones." Pg. 119, Tarnsman of Gor.

SYNTHESIZED (noun): a process by the Priest-Kings in which a new "human being" is built molecule by molecule. An 'artificial' human of sorts. "Yes," said Sarm, "one was SYNTHESIZED, beginning with the synthesis of the protein molecules, and was formed molecule by molecule. It is an artificially constructed human being." Pg. 94, Priest-Kings of Gor.