



Anesthetic darts, too, are sometimes used in the taking of females; these may be flung, or entered into her body by hand; they take effect in about forty Ihn; she awakens often, stripped, in a slave kennel.
Marauders of Gor, Pg. 116


One of the attendants in the Slave Whip had washed the lacerations at the side of his head, applied an antiseptic, and affixed a bandage.
Plunder of Gor Pg. 321


One dish I recall was composed of the tongues of eels and was sprinkled with flavored aphrodisiacs, the latter however being wasted on me as I spent, to Elizabeth’s consternation, the night lying on my side in great pain.
Assassin of Gor, Pg. 204


"She will be," said Lord Yamada "abruptly, rudely, the astringent vial held to her nostrils.
Rebels of Gor, Pg 267


“The drug,” said Shaba, “was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague.”
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 154


Almost all doors, including that of the House of Cernus, had nailed to them some branches of the Brak Bush, the leaves of which, when chewed, have a purgative effect.
Assassin of Gor, Pg. 211

BREEDING WINE (aka Second Wine)

She did not need the sip root, of course, for, as she had pointed out, she had had some within the moon, and, indeed, the effect of sip root, in the raw state, in most women, is three or four moons. In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser for its remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the "second wine." When this is administered she usually knows that she has been selected for crossing with a handsome male slave.
Blood Brothers of Gor, Pg. 319


She opened her eyes, and shook her head. "What is this?" she said. "Capture scent," I said. "Shall I hold again the vial beneath her nose?" I asked. Soaked in a rag and scarf and held over the nose and mouth of a female it can render her unconscious in five Ihn.
Marauders of Gor, Pgs 115-116


More interestingly the hunters must have prepared for the evening’s work, either by, over time, building up an immunity to the drug, or, more likely, by imbibing a counteragent to its effect, prior to its distribution at our camp.
Conspirators of Gor, Pg. 418


That is the meaning of the lotions and creams with which they are treated.”
Witness of Gor, Pg. 53


The liqueur of Falnus, as was now obvious, had been drugged.
Conspirators of Gor, Pg. 418


Bound in the saddle in front of me, drugged, her head completely covered with a slave hood buckled under her chin, was a girl.
Tarnsman of Gor Pg. 91


I then rose to my feet and walked a few yards away, to a fan palm. From the base of one of its broad leaves I gathered a double handful of fresh water. I returned to the girl and, carefully, washed out the wound. She winced. I then cut some leaves and wrapped them about it. I tied shut this simple bandage with the tendrils of a carpet plant.
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 347


After that they would emerge and dry themselves with the towels, and then apply the soothing and fragrant lotions.
Prize of Gor Pg. 927/font>


"We permit them," said Flaminius, deigning to offer a bit of explanation, "five Ahn of varied responses, depending on when they recover from the frobicain injection. Mostly this takes the form of hysterical weeping, threats, demands for explanation, screaming and such. They will also be allowed to express their distress for certain periods at stated times in the future."
Assassin of Gor, Pg. 126


The tunic of fire and the fumes of truth could not be resisted.
Quarry of Gor Pg 374


"The drug," said Shaba, "was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague."
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 154


"Tobacco is unknown on Gor, though there are certain habits or vices to take its place, in particular the stimulation afforded by chewing on the leaves of the Kanda plant, the roots of which, oddly enough, when ground and dried, constitute an extremely deadly poison."
Priest Kings of Gor, Pg. 24


Here, I have brought some soothing lotion for your back.
Witness of Gor, Pg. 662


Even the soles of our feet must be soft, and this is seen to, by creams and lotions, and the nature of the surfaces upon which we are permitted to walk, such things.
Witness of Gor, Pg. 6


She returned with a small tube of ointment.
Priest Kings Pg. 61


“I thought they might have entered something into the food,” I said, “in kindness, a painkiller, something with an analgesic effect, to ease your pain.”
Renegades of Gor, Pg. 226


A physician’s pellet was concealed in the tarn’s meat, before flight, the coating dissolving in some twenty Ehn. The bird is downed, sluggish, drugged.
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 444


Part of it, wrapped in physician’s tape, was bent and fitted behind her first two fingers.
Hunters of Gor, Pg. 98


Poison was regarded as a woman’s weapon.
Marauders of Gor, Pg. 79


Such a device, like the poisoned arrow, was not only against the codes of the warriors, but, generally, was regarded as unworthy of men.
Marauders of Gor, Pg. 79


For example it is possible to breed a girl whose saliva will be poisonous; such a woman, placed in the Pleasure Gardens of an enemy, can be more dangerous than the knife of an Assassin.
Assassin of Gor Page 115


She was a captive female, and must, naturally, submit to her assessment as prize; she must also be, incidentally, examined for weapons; a dagger or poisoned needle is often concealed in the clothing of free women.
Nomads of Gor, Pg. 149


Sana had insisted that I keep the pellet of poison which the Council had given me to spare her from the otherwise inevitable tortures that would follow the disclosure of her identity in the cylinders of Ar.
Tarnsman of Gor pg. 218


"I would not have thought Sarus of Tyros would have used poisoned steel," I said..
Marauders of Gor, Pgs. 18-19


I removed from its paw the tiny, rounded ball of wax, held in place by threads: within the wax, which would soon, in the riding and pounding, and by the heat of the animal’s body, disintegrate, concealed. I found a needle; I smelled it; it was smeared with kanda, a deadly toxin, prepared from the ground roots of the kanda bush.
Tribesmen of Gor, Pg. 132


Saphrar......he also had two teeth of gold, which were visible when he laughed, the upper canine teeth, probably containing poison; merchants are seldom trained in the use of arms.
Nomads of Gor, Pg. 187


"The drug," said Shaba, "was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague."
Explorers of Gor Pg. 155


"Bring salve," he said. An ointment was brought, and he smeared it across the two cuts. It was odorless. To my surprise it seemed to be absorbed almost immediately.
Captive of Gor, Pg. 29


"We make them chew carefully and watch closely to see that they swallow, bit by bit, in small swallows, sip roots, as well," said another. "We then examine their mouths, forcing them widely open, to determine that they have finished their entire allotment of the root," said another. I nodded. Sip roots are extremely bitter. Slave wine, incidentally, is made from sip roots. The slaves of the red savages, like slaves generally on Gor, would be crossed and bred only as, and precisely as, their masters might choose.
Blood Brothers of Gor, Pg 124


Slave wine is bitter, intentionally so. Its effect lasts for more than a Gorean month. I did not wish the females to conceive. A female slave is taken off slave wine only when it is her master's intention to breed her.
Marauders of Gor, Pg. 23


Kamchak said nothing, but then he got up and from a chest in the wagon he took forth a goblet and filled it with an amber fluid, into which he shook a dark, bluish powder. He then took Elizabeth Cardwell in his left arm and with his right hand gave her the drink. Her eyes were frightened, but she drank. In a few moments she was asleep.
Nomads of Gor, pages 61-62.


Ellen recalled that Jill had not wished to be touched that morning by a barbarian, in the matter of applying the soothing lotion.
Prize of Gor, Pg. 252


"She requires the Stabilization Serums," said the physician.........I screamed. The shot was painful. It was entered in the small of my back, over the left hip. They left me secured to the table for several minutes and then the physician returned to check the shot.
Captive of Gor, Pg. 93 & 94


We returned, similarly, to the physicians house on the next four days. On the first day I had been examined, given some minor medicines of little consequence, and the first shot in the Stabilization Series. On the second, third and fourth day I received the concluding shots of the series. On the fifth day the physician took more samples. "The serums are effective," he told the guard.
Captive of Gor, page 94


Ellen recalled that Jill had not wished to be touched that morning by a barbarian, in the matter of applying the soothing lotions to protect the slaves from the sun on the shelf.
Prize of Gor, Pg. 252


I had been forced, sitting in the courtyard, my head back and nose held, to swallow a draft of water, into which a reddish powder had been mixed. I had shortly thereafter lost consciousness. "You have recovered more quickly than I had anticipated from the Tassa powder," she said... "In the courtyard below," I said, "I was drugged." "It was done by Tassa powder," she said. "It was tasteless, and effective," I said. "Slavers sometimes use it," she said. "It is well for a girl not to drink with a strange man," she laughed. "It shows up, of course," I said, "in water." "It is meant to be mixed with red wine," she said.
Fighting Slave of Gor, Pgs. 222-223


The active ingredient in the breeding wine, or the "second wine," is a derivative of teslik. In the matter of bitterness of taste there is little to choose from between raw sip root and slave wine, the emulsive qualities of the slave wine being offset to some extent by the strength of the concentration involved. Blood Brothers of Gor, Pg. 320


One of the Pani, a wound dresser, crouched over the fallen figure..
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 318