

What Makes One a Warrior?

According the Chronicles of Counter-Earth (Books of Gor), many things make up a Warrior.

The Warrior caste includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen with red, of blood, being their caste color. From the "Outlaw of Gor", a Warrior may love, but not show pity; the Gorean is suspicious of the stranger, particularly in the vicinity of his native walls. Indeed, in Gorean the same word is used or both stranger and enemy.

In "Assassin of Gor" it states "Goreans are extremely sensitive about names, and who may speak them. Indeed, particularly those of low caste, even have use names, concealing their true names, lest they be discovered by enemies and used to conjure spells against them."

From "Beasts of Gor", it states a Warrior has little patience, and "less tolerant of pretense then Men of Earth". In "Tarnsman of Gor", Tarl Cabot comments "The Code of the warriors, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to pride chiefs and the home stone.

From "PriestKings of Gor", "I am of the Caste of Warriors, and it is in our codes that the only death fit for a man is that in battle".

Just a side note, the word Urth is never mentioned in the Chronicles of Counter- Earth.